In the Meanwhile

018: Fighting Fair in Relationships

Les and Page Hughes

You know that familiar box you see when signing into your favorite website? The one that asks you to confirm you're a human and not a robot?

Well, it might as well ask you if you've ever been in a fight, because it's the same thing. If you're human, you've been in a fight!

In today's episode of "In the Meanwhile," we take a look at 10 Timeless Principles for Fighting Fair in all your relationships, and yes, we mean those "animated discussions," too!

Show Notes

Romans 12:16 - Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

This episode is sponsored by Your Story In His Story, an online Bible survey course to compliment your daily Bible reading. Learn more.

Ten Timely Principles for Fighting Fair

  1. Avoid it if at all possible. 
  2. Choose a neutral field with few spectators. 
  3. Choose the occasion wisely. Your confrontation time wisely.
  4. Address the problem, not the person.
  5. Use I statements instead of you statements.
  6. When you are wrong, ask for forgiveness. The sooner, the better. 
  7. You choose to forgive even if they never ask. 
  8. Know that there are some people that your personality is always going to collide with theirs. They need some EGR (extra grace required)!
  9. Keep a short account of wrongs and don’t get historical.
  10. Choose to love them anyway.