In the Meanwhile
Faith. Family. Leadership. Ministry.
32 episodes
Leading Your Family Through the Lessons of Easter
This podcast is all about helping God's people through life's meanwhile moments ––those times when we're waiting for God to act, to keep His promise and to deliver us from our darkness. The days before the Resurrection when Jesus was in...

How Should a Christ Follower Respond to Crisis?
From Coronavirus to the oil crisis in the middle east, the temptation to fear and panic is hard to resist, even for Christians. And yet of all people, Christians have the most reason not to panic: a trustworthy all-sovereign God we call...

How to Be Truly Rich
Got friends? Then you've got a gift from God. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, we see the theme of friendship woven throughout Scripture. We also see time and time again how God used friendship to work in His people's lives. ...

I Wish My Children Would . . .
Ever wish your children would just get along? Or give you a call to just talk? In this little kid (and adult kid) friendly episode of In the Meanwhile, Les and Page take you and your family through your child's growth from elementary age...

I Wish My In-Laws Would . . .
If you’re blessed with great relationships with your in-laws, you may be in the minority because many marriage and family experts now claim that three-fourths of all couples have significant problems with their in-laws.
Episode 28

Temptations Couples Face and How to Guard Your Heart
Sadly, we don't have to look too far or too long to witness broken marriages or hear of affairs and inappropriate relationships -- especially in the age of social media and instant news. When this happens, we can remind of ourselves of two univ...

026: Is It Really the Small Things That Count?
In the latest episode of In the Meanwhile, Les and Page Hughes discuss the importance of small things and how persistence and consistency in these seemingly mundane things lead to the big things we all want in every aspect of our lives.

025: Portrait of a Servant
How often do you see the needs of others around you when your own needs are pressing? Serving others is a vital way to keep our perspective when we're most tempted to lose it. It requires humility, compassion, and of cour...
Episode 25

024: A Better Alternative To Name It and Claim It Theology
Ever notice in the Bible that Jesus Himself never once named or claimed anything when praying to His Father in Heaven? There, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not a...
Episode 24

023: Three Secrets to Success in God's Eyes
Is it possible to be successful in man's eyes and yet fail in God's eyes? Or, is it possible to successful in God's eyes and yet fail in man's eyes? The answer to both of these is yes, although this is not the message we receive all aro...
Episode 23

022: Does A Person Who Commits Suicide Go To Heaven?
If you've ever experienced the grief of losing a Christian loved one through suicide, then you may have asked yourself this question: Will I see him or her in Heaven one day? It's an age-old question th...
Episode 22

021: Rekindling Your Marriage
All he ever wanted was to make her happy and all she ever wanted was to make him happy. Sounds selfless, doesn't it? But what happens when the fire goes out in a marriage or we don't have what it takes anymore to keep the other p...
Season 1
Episode 21

020: Purposeful Parenting
In our latest episode of In the Meanwhile, Les and Page Hughes discuss the meaning of Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go;
Season 1
Episode 20

018: Fighting Fair in Relationships
You know that familiar box you see when signing into your favorite website? The one that asks you to confirm you're a human and not a robot? Well, it...

017: Intentional Transformation
Download How are you doing on your New Year's goals and resolutions? If you're li...
Episode 17

014: I Grieve, Does That Mean I Don't Trust God?
In the latest podcast from Meanwhile Ministries, Les and Page Hughes turn to Genesis 37 to answer the question, "If I grieve, does that mean I don't trust God."

013: Manna Moments
Download Our latest 'In the Meanwhile" podcast is inspired by a very real answer ...

011: Be Ready When the Call Comes
Download Are you ready to say "yes" to God, when He calls you to serve Him in a spec...