In the Meanwhile

016: Jobs That Don't Come With a Paycheck

Les and Page Hughes


Page shares insight from the biblical story of Hagar and Les shares an incredibly powerful verse -- both showing us that God not only SEES what we do, He STRONGLY SUPPORTS us when our hearts are completely His.


Today's episode of "In the Meanwhile" is sponsored by Your Story In His Story and is filled with encouragement for those times you feel your unpaid work is invisible or of little value.

  • You can read the biblical account of Hagar here and read how God sees us when we feel invisible
  • 2 Chronicles 16:9 - For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this, for from now on you will have wars.”
  • Page references this Mother's Job Value Index 2018, courtesy of, citing the value of a mother's work as $68, 875! shares something similar only shows a much higher wage when all the job titles are presented.
  • Learn more about Your Story In His Story, a year long Bible survey course to supplement and enrich your daily Bible reading.


  • Remember, God sees and knows you!
  • Ask yourself, "What are things I'm pouring my life into that have eternal value?
  • Take time to thank God you have opportunities to care for others.
  • Know that one day soon we will reap what we have sown if we don’t grow weary.