In the Meanwhile

013: Manna Moments

Les and Page Hughes
Download Our latest 'In the Meanwhile" podcast is inspired by a very real answer to prayer for a dear family member and also to the circumstances behind the new "meanwhile" that Page and I find ourself in right now. These circumstances in our lives remind us that it is God who provides our manna for us daily just like He daily provided for the children of Israel. They also remind us to depend on Him as our ultimate Provider. Deuteronomy 8:16 encourages us,
He fed you in the wilderness with manna that your fathers had not known, in order to humble and test you, so that in the end He might cause you to prosper.
Our times of need have a purpose! We hope you'll listen in as we share a very special "manna moment" we experienced quite a while ago but is still impacting us today and also why those manna moments are worth much more than we can imagine. We also hope you'll share a special manna moment from your life -- whether God provided a physical need or a spiritual need. You can share right here at the top of our Facebook Group page.   SHOW NOTES In our podcast, we enjoy sharing three major reasons for "manna moments" -- those times when we are especially dependent on God alone and He abundantly provides. These are:
  1. Our faith needs testing and God meets this need.
  2. We must learn that God is our greatest need.
  3. Manna moments are a milestone for the person going through the struggle, but also for future generations.
  1. What was it like to eat actual manna? sheds some light.
  2. Read Exodus 16, the entire account of how God provided the original manna to His children in the wilderness.
  3.  Share (and read) "manna moments" from fellow listeners and be ENCOURAGED!