In the Meanwhile

012: What a Difference the Resurrection Makes

Les and Page Hughes
Download If Jesus had not risen from the grave like He said he would, then the Bible wouldn't be true and mankind would truly have no hope for living. But He is risen, just as He promised! In the latest episode of In the Meanwhile, we talk about the difference the Resurrection makes in the world and for eternity. Join us as we share why the Resurrection still matters today and why, as Les emphasized,  "The Resurrection validates everything!"    SHOW NOTES

The Resurrection Means . . .

  1. Jesus is the ultimate authority over heaven and earth.
  2. We have a true and accurate statement of right and wrong in God’s eyes.
  3. We have a realistic promise of life after death.
  4. We have an important message to share.
  1. I Corinthians 15 is often referred to as the "Resurrection Chapter." Read it to remind yourself why.
  2. Today would be a good day to make Resurrection Rolls with your children or grandchildren and tell the Resurrection story in the process.
  3. What sorrow the disciples must have felt before Jesus arose, and yet, we know how much joy came that first Easter morning. For believers, we never sorrow without hope because we know our Redeemer lives! Remind yourself of this with our free printable quote based on Psalm 30:5, "Joy will come in the morning!" Download the printable here.