In the Meanwhile

011: Be Ready When the Call Comes

Les and Page Hughes
Download Are you ready to say "yes" to God, when He calls you to serve Him in a specific way? Whether it's a smaller commitment like starting a Bible study or cleaning the church or as life-changing as entering the mission field or full-time Christian service, you can face the change with confidence and joy. In today's episode, we share 6 ways to help prepare your heart so that you're absolutely, 100% ready for when the call comes. SHOW NOTES Countdown to the Call! 6.  Be a broken, yet clean vessel. The biblical account of Moses is a good illustration of how God uses brokenness to prepare a heart for service. 5.  Be a life-long learner. God always has lessons for us to learn. If you're following God's will, He never wastes a day or an experience for you to learn something new about Himself. 4.  Don't burn bridges. You never knew who in your life now will be an instrument for God's leading in the future.  3.  Be in a position to hear God's voice. Prayer is a two-way street. 2.  Have a willing spirit no matter what the call. "Delight yourself in the Lord" to maintain a willingness to prepare you for the call. 1.  Anticipate the call with JOY. Bear fruit wherever you are now, even if it feels like you are still "in the meanwhile." God has a plan for your life and it is good! FREE RESOURCES 1. Just like the Israelites learned many things about God through their journey in the wilderness, you can learn many things about God through a study of His names in the Bible and what they mean. Here's a great resource to get you started. 2. Les mentioned  YouVersion as a fantastic free resource with many Bible-reading plans to choose from.  Prayer is a two-way street. We talk to Him through prayer and He talks to us through His Word. We must always be listening to hear His call. 3. Page shared the story of Moses and how God prepared Him for His call. Read Exodus 2 and 3 to see the story yourself. 4. One way to anticipate the call with joy is to always bloom where you're planted! Remind yourself to keep blooming with this printable and frameable quote.